Which pawn shop did I leave it at anyway?

Social media is an opinionated place. From Facebook, to Instagram, to Twitter, to Snap Chat, to whatever, everyone needs their few minuets to get their point across, argue the other persons point, and sometimes form an entirely different opinion before it’s all said and done. Whatever the case though, the recent highly discussed piece has raised quite a few eyebrows, stirred people up, and revealed something about our current stance as a nation: WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT MARRIAGE IS! I will admit that I haven’t looked at every opinion closely but in all honesty, I don’t have to. Having been through a marriage that did not work, I decided I would not become a statistic that continues to do the same thing over, and over, but that I would take the time to understand what the word of God says about marriage. Now this post is not going to be a guide to getting married, but I’m going to address the importance of this highly discussed topic on social media: THE RING!

Let me start by saying that there is no real mention of a ring being needed at all in the bible, but there is much to be said about marriage. That goes without saying, believers, that if you are a follower of Christ and you believe Him for your mate then the cost of the ring is the most insignificant thing you could ever consider. There are those who say “well he can buy other things” or “he knows that’s not good enough” and even “he can afford better” but at the moment when God told Him to make you his wife, and he obeyed, in all honesty it doesn’t matter if he used a rubber band, as long as he is obedient to God. As far as knowing a certain ring isn’t good enough well, a man of God I would hope went to God about you and got the approval from God, so he knows what you need. As to what a man can afford…well do you desire a man to invest tons of money in a ring and he’s lacking in other areas? If at the time he is just a boyfriend are you sure you know his real financial situation? The sad part is we as women, and women who claim to be women of God, desire a man to chase after our hearts so much that we don’t even realize he may not be chasing God at all. So how can you expect Him to be faithful to a wife, a home, and children when he is not a servant of the one who mandates ALL of that???

The ring, dear readers though is symbol of man’s design that says that a woman is spoken for and unavailable to anyone else. Sadly, it’s cost, design, or size does not stop people from crossing boundaries, or making mistakes in a marriage or engagement. It doesn’t mean that a woman with a cheaper ring is loved any less than the one with the more expensive one. This year closed with a ton of beautiful engagements which is how this whole conversation started. We got into this debate, and I wonder how many people thought of the fact that the deal is not sealed on a marriage until both parties has the band on. The engagement ring is a symbol of impending nuptials, but the band is the symbol of an actual marriage that has taken place.

In closing, let’s not seek validation in clothing or jewelry of any kind, as the bible warns us of that in 1 Peter 3:3. There was a time when I loved my engagement ring, and band too. I wore it very proudly everyday, all day as a wife should, but that did not make my marriage any stronger, it didn’t make us any less selfish, and it did not bring us closer to God. It is material, and once it was all said it done, I didn’t even want to look at it anymore. I don’t say all of this to downplay anybody, or make myself seem superior, or anti-marriage, but I am just speaking the truth, my truth, and I pray it was a blessing to someone.

God Loves You and So Do I!


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